With its three business areas of e-commerce, app development and premium support, WebStollen develops software for well-known partners, accompanies product launches and helps customers achieve their visions.
As a long-standing partner of JTL-Software, WebStollen sees itself as a premium developer for innovative and user-friendly JTL-Shop plugins. In this area alone, WebStollen is now able to help more than 13,000 customers expand their online shop through software.
For the first time in 10 years, the visual appearance has undergone a significant renewal. The WebStollen logo remains identical, in which the logo with the expressive bow is still the core and the main distinguishing feature of the brand.
Over the years, WebStollen team members have often been able to share the explanation of the name and logo. The icon represents the “Stollen” (mining tunnel), an area underground where hard and honest work is done. These core values should remain unchanged.
Positive change has a big impact
What has changed over time, in addition to a continued transformation and specialization towards a software provider and developer, is above all the office and team.
With the move to the new WebStollen headquarters in 2021, the number of employees has also increased, various teams have been founded and the TechStack has changed. The new office was the basis for redesigning workplaces, redefining collaboration within teams and reorganizing the way we deal with each other as well as with partners and customers.
In the course of this, with the help of external consultants, 6 points of the company vision were developed, which are to be formative for the future. These points are:
- We listen
We listen to our partners and our customers so that we can contribute to their vision.
- We unleash creativity
Together, we place great value on a very pleasant working environment. We look out for each other and always communicate in an appreciative manner.
- We win together
We achieve more when we harness the uniqueness of each team member and work together.
- We are passionate learners
We value lifelong learning as the best basis for making decisions and fostering creativity, new ways of thinking and continuous development.
- We dare to do great things
We face challenges and push the boundaries of what is possible.
- We take responsibility
We take responsibility and see ourselves and our teams as responsible for the results.
These 6 points should now also be anchored in the new corporate design.
Therefore, the hexagon was introduced as a basic shape. Figuratively speaking, the WebStollen logo with its arch as a roof stands above everything, is now accompanied by the graphic element “hexagon”, which stands for the work culture and the above-mentioned points.
The realignment of the corporate design made sense to include the color green. This color stands for inspiration, freshness, life, tranquility.
Thus, the first work with regard to the visual appearance began with the design of the new office. Green was immediately evident in plants and green areas as well as physically.

In the centre of the office, the logo made of real grass
Who says A… or better here… if you say circle, you have to say hexagon.
From now on, the hexagon as part of the visual identity should be reflected in the external presentation. Thus, other elements have been redesigned.
WebStollen currently has over 50 plugins in the JTL ExtensionStore. Including all customer exclusive plugins, well over 100 plugins are in use. The icons were redesigned for them – a lot of work for the graphics department.

Redesign of plugin icons
In sum, the current official WebStollen plugin icons look like this:
homepage or HOMEPAGE?
Next Step: The WebStollen website.
The previous website was already getting a bit old in terms of both software and design.
The company addresses various target groups via its online presence:
- Partners Company
- Online retailers
- dash.bar customers
- JTL Service Partners
- New customers, existing customers
Welcoming them all appropriately and guiding them into the right area is a major challenge. In addition, an online shop system with checkout and payment is required to process certain services online. Of course, a JTL shop is used here, which is connected to our other systems (plugin pipeline, payment, accounting).
First, a click dummy was created for this purpose. The software Sketch is used for this purpose, because Sketch is based on a design system and allows you to create and link page by page relatively quickly through unique definitions of colors, fonts and font sizes, as well as recurring symbols, icons, graphics and images.
After various improvement loops, the implementation of the various appearances could then begin in the summer of 2023.
An internal team has put hundreds of hours into conception, design, development and wording. The project was carried out in addition to the day-to-day business and all other tasks, which was very challenging for all participants.
A picture is worth a thousand words
The next step was to create high-quality and meaningful images that show the workplace and team members in their natural environment. Through the special use of a talented photographer within our own ranks, great pictures could be created: