giving something back
Nothing is Forever e.V.
Defeating neurofibromatosis through research.
A rare disease that can cause great suffering and limitations, especially in children. We support the fight against this hereditary disease, which was initiated by the non-profit organisation Nothing is Forever e.V. from Regensburg.
Together we have already achieved a great deal.
Gastfreundschaft hilft Regensburg e.V.
Hospitality helps is the idea of a number of committed Regensburg residents, including many restaurateurs. Together, the group thought about how they could support the needy and homeless during the coronavirus crisis.
The result was, for example, free coronavirus lunches and food bags for those seeking help.
The #coronakünstlerhilfe initiative, which was founded by filmmaker and singer-songwriter Timm Markgraf & entrepreneur Benjamin Klein, aims to support artists who are in financial difficulties or suffer from mental illness due to Covid-19.
We are happy to donate, as we also meet a lot of artists and creative people.
Stop Colitis ulcerosa
Chronic inflammatory bowel disease, which affects the large intestine, leads to enormous limitations in life and those affected also suffer from uncertainty as to which therapy will bring them relief.
A friend of the founders has dedicated himself to the topic and we are providing support with free hosting and server services.
/** WebStollen is involved
We are part of our society and benefit from the wonderful opportunities it offers us all.
We would also like to give something back and share our success with others.
For this reason, we have been involved for years in various areas such as social issues, charity and youth sports.
How do we get involved?
- – Regular donations
- – Event-related fundraising campaigns
- – Ongoing sponsorship
- – Support with services

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