
OSS | One-stop-shop procedure in the EU

What needs to be considered regarding the one-stop-shop procedure and the VAT reform in the EU? How can you respond to this with JTL-Wawi and JTL-Shop?

The solution for JTL customers to the EU’s one-stop-shop

In short – what is it about?

One Stop Shop (OSS) and Distance Sales 2021: The biggest reform of VAT for EU e-commerce is here.

Here are the most important facts that you as an online retailer should know and observe due to the introduction of the OSS procedure from 01.07.2021:

    • The previous delivery thresholds of the individual EU countries (35,000 or 100,000 EUR) for shipping to private customers abroad will no longer apply.
    • Instead, from 01.07.2021, a Europe-wide delivery threshold of EUR 10,000 (net) will apply to all EU countries in total.
    • As a result, the vast majority of online retailers will be subject to tax in every EU country to which they send even one parcel.
    • You should already show the correct prices (with the respective tax) on the product page
    • The EU tax differences will lead to undesirable high prices or too low margins, depending on VAT

You can read clear information about OSS from Taxdoo here:
> To the OSS article

go-eCommerce also has all the information you need as a JTL user
> To the go-OSS infos


We estimate the manual effort of the OSS implementation in JTL-Wawi for a retailer with approx. 100 items to be approx. 5 days. This does not take into account tax changes or updates. The following steps are necessary to perform the control settings in JTL-Wawi manually:

  • Dissolving the EU zone into individual EU countries Zones
  • Determining tax rates per country using Taric codes
  • Determination and naming of tax bracket combinations
  • Monitoring EU tax rates
  • Assignment of the newly created tax classes to the articles created in JTL-Wawi


To the solution for your JTL-Wawi


JTL Shop

The tax rates for certain products vary widely across the EU.

This can lead to the following in your JTL shop:

  • You display gross prices that are too high (-> customer abandons)
  • You have the same gross prices, but your profit is lower (margin)
  • You show the end customer an incorrect sales tax on the product page

You can react to this with our plugin OSS Delivery country.

  • Check the country of delivery earlier
  • Display the correct tax rates throughout the store
  • Keep competitive gross prices in price comparison
  • Solve the Google Shopping problem too


Find the solution for your JTL shop


What is the best way to display prices in the shop in the future?

As before, you have to adhere to the requirements of the Price Indication Ordinance when setting prices in the online shop. This means that a total price including VAT is shown. If the tax rates are specified, then of course it must be ensured that only the correct VAT rate for the destination country is shown and paid.

If you want to make it a little easier, it is advisable not to specify a specific VAT rate, but only to show a total price including VAT.

In addition, care must be taken to ensure that customers from different EU countries are not treated differently in a discriminatory manner when it comes to the net price in the online shop.

This is the result of the European Geoblocking Regulation.

However, regional differences in price, which are only based on regionally varying VAT rates , are of course permissible.

>> More information

Video: About go-OSS:

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